Damaris Raymondi Damaris Raymondi

Helping Dry Eye Associated with Sjögren's Syndrome: A Case Study

With a diverse array of tools at our disposal to address ocular surface diseases we as optometrists possess the ability to tailor treatments to the unique needs of each patient. Regener-Eyes® has proven to be an asset in my practice. I have one case to share with you that reignited my enthusiasm for the comprehensive solutions that we provide in our exam rooms. After enduring years of persistent dry eye symptoms and ocular discomfort my patient finally found relief.

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Damaris Raymondi Damaris Raymondi

The Optometric Male Aesthetic Patient

As health care providers, we sometimes unintentionally disregard the aesthetic needs of our male patients. There is a common misconception that they either do not care about the appearance of their eyes or are hesitant to discuss their concerns.

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Damaris Raymondi Damaris Raymondi

Progress Is Progress

Progress is progress: Keep this in mind when more time-consuming cases, such as treatment of phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis, test your patience…

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Dr. Dámaris Raymondi


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